Online gaming has proven to be immensely popular and lucrative, providing players with authentic gaming experiences as well as creating large profits for their owners. With the rapid expansion of online gaming, offshore financial centres such as Mwali are typically taking the lead and have established a strong reputation for efficient and adaptable regulation of this business in a tax-free environment.
Licenses for online gaming and betting can be issued only to Mwali companies. If desired, an application for a new IBC may be submitted simultaneously with the licence application.
The Mwali International Gaming Licence allows the licensee to use different brand names and to offer different gaming experiences (such as casinos, sportsbook etc) and use as many and different websites as they desire, provided each website clearly displays the name of the owner and the electronic trust seal issued by the Mwali International Services Authority.
The application process is straightforward and licences are typically approved within seven working days. A rigorous background check in compliance with international anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing standards is required on all principals and officers.
Moheli Corporate Services Limited provides a full registered office and registered agent service in compliance with applicable Moheli legislation. As your service provider we are committed to the success of your business and we will work with you along the way to advise and assist as required.