Home page
Moheli Corporate Services Limited is a specialist company formation agent. We are located in Moheli, an autonomous island in the Union of the Comoros and we maintain a European representative office in Marsa, Malta.
We are the exclusive licensed registered agent of the Mwali (Moheli) International Services Authority. As a licensed service provider, we comply with international due diligence standards as well as high levels of staff competence, service quality and safeguarding the clients´ interests.
We provide professional, fast and efficient company registration services including bank formation, captive insurance services, gaming (gambling and betting) licences and trust company formation in Moheli, the Union of Comoros.
The legal framework of our jurisdiction, established in 2001, will ensure the highest degree of competence and confidentiality. We also have very competitive fees. We provide company formation and financial licencing services directly from Comoros.
These pages will provide everything you need to set up your own company in Mwali, (Moheli), Union of Comoros. If you have any questions you can contact us. We are always ready to answer your questions.
Representative office
SKYPE: MCS.2Office
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Representative office
+971 50551 5029
Main Office
P.B. 1257
Payment Disclaimer
Important Notice from Moheli Corp Service:
To ensure the security and smooth processing of transactions, please follow the detailed payment instructions provided below for crypto and bank transactions.
For Crypto Transactions:
Deposit payments exclusively into our official crypto wallet addresses. Verify these addresses through our authorized communication channels before proceeding.
- USDT ERC20: 0xE7A4FcC0279b65544d0206CfCc444615a88F106c
- USDT TRC20: TD11rRDrxuFGsJNszjy9CQMKmZGqq3j9i2
For Bank Transactions:
For international bank transfers, utilize the specified beneficiary details:
- Beneficiary: FXGROW S.R.O.
Contact and Verification:
- For any queries or verification of payment details, please only use email addresses ending with @mohelicorpservice.com. Our team is ready to assist you through these official channels.
Key Points:
- Recheck all payment details before completing any transactions.
- Moheli Corp Service assumes no liability for transactions to incorrect or unauthorized accounts.
Your cooperation and diligence in following these instructions are essential for the secure and efficient processing of your transactions.
International Business Companies |
Application Fee: | EUR 400,00 |
Registrations: | EUR 900,00 |
Penalty fees for late payment of annual fees: | EUR 100,00/month |
Banking Companies |
Application Fee: | EUR 2.000,00 |
License Class A Fee: | EUR 30.000,00 (General License) |
License Class B Fee: | EUR 23.000,00(Restricted License ) |
Penalty fees for late payment of annual fees: | EUR 2.500,00/month for Class A License |
Penalty fees for late payment of annual fees: | EUR 1.800,00 month for Class B License |
Insurance Companies |
Application Fee: (Applicable for all classes of Insurance licenses): |
EUR 900,00 |
License Classes I, II, III Fee: | EUR 14.000,00 (General License) |
License Classes IV & V Fee: | EUR 12.000,00 (Restricted License) |
Penalty fees for late payment of annual fees Classes I, II, III: | EUR 900,00/month |
Penalty fees for late payment of annual fees Classes IV & V: | EUR 700,00/month |
Trust Companies |
Application Fee: | EUR 1.200,00 |
License Fee: | EUR 20.000,00 |
Penalty fees for late payment of annual fees: | EUR 1.500,00/month |
Brokerage Companies |
Application Fee: | EUR 1.200,00 |
License Fee: | EUR 20.000,00 |
Penalty fees for late payment of annual fees: | EUR 1.500,00/month |
Gaming Companies | |
Application Fee: | EUR 1.200,00 |
License Fee: | EUR 20.000,00 |
Penalty fees for late payment of annual fees: | EUR 1.500,00/month |
Crypto companies | |
Application Fee: | EUR 500,00 |
License Fee: | EUR 5.500,00 EUR |
Penalty fees for late payment of annual fees: | EUR 550,00 EUR |
Certificate of Good Standing: | EUR 200,00 |
Certificate of Incumbency: |
EUR 200,00 |
Certificate of Incorporation: | EUR 200,00 |
License Certificate: | EUR 200,00 |
Certify copy of Bylaws: | EUR 200,00 |
Name reservation: | EUR 100,00 for 3 months EUR 400,00 for 6 months EUR 600,00 for 12 months |
Change of Name: | EUR 600,00 |
Change of Capital: (include denomination of shares, currency, classes of shares, etc) |
EUR 600,00 |
Amendment of Bylaws : | EUR 400,00 |
Annual Report (For companies with license): | EUR 3.000,00 |
Annual fees: are applicable from the 2nd year only if you wish to renew your company's registration. It includes such services as
- Ongoing verification that the company complies with local laws.
- Renewal of the Head Office, the registered agent and the governmental charges from the jurisdiction in question.
Our Privacy and Security Policy explains how we may collect information from you online when you visit this website. Because you trust us with your financial and personal information, the Bank respects your privacy and takes strong action to safeguard that information, including your online sessions. Our Privacy & Security policy, effective as of April 1st, 2012, is for general guidance and subject to change. Please review periodically. Customer information means personally identifiable information about a customer.
Protecting information about you from Marketers Outside DeltaWest credit Bank ("the Bank")
Unlike many other financial institutions, the Bank does not sell or share any customer information with marketers outside the Bank who may want to offer you their own product and services.
Making the security of information a priority
Keeping financial information secure is one of our most important responsibilities. The Bank maintains physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect customer information. The Bank's employees are authorized to access Customer Information only when they need it to provide you with products and services or to maintain your account. Our employees are bound by a code of ethics that requires confidential treatment or Customer Information and are subject to disciplinary action if they fail to follow this code.
Collection of Information
To safeguard your information online, the Bank will need to collect or remember information about you from time to time. When you visit our Website, the Bank may collect the following information in order to service your accounts, save you time and money, and better respond to your needs.
• Application information. Information that you provide to us on forms, via the Internet or otherwise.
• Transaction and experience information. Information about your online transactions and account experience, as well as information about our online communication with you.
The Bank collects and keeps the contents of email you send us in addition to your contact address and the Bank's response. This enables the Bank to respond to your request and questions. Emails sent to the Bank should be used for inquiries that are not sensitive or confidential as regular, non-encrypted Internet email. If the Bank needs information beyond your name, address, email address and telephone number, the bank will provide you with a secure email form. The Bank will not request that you confirm your Personal ID, account numbers, password or other sensitive information via email.
Cookies & Browsers
This site uses a feature of your browser called a "cookie" to assign a "username". Cookies by themselves cannot be used to find out the identity of any user. Your Belize Bank International username
automatically identifies your computer – but not you – to our servers when you visit this website. Anytime a cookie is used, personal information is encrypted for our use only and protected from third party access. Unless you specifically tell us who you are (for example by completing an application), if you are just browsing our site, we will never know who you are even though we assign you a cookie.
How we may share information
The Bank does not sell or share customer information collected from our website with marketers outside the Bank who may want to offer you their own products and services. The Bank grant access to non-public personal information about you (such as your name, address, social security number and credit history) to the Bank's employees so that they can provide or offer products and services to you, process and service your accounts, and administer our business.
The Bank may share customer information within our correspondent banks and our affiliates who are contractually obligated to keep the information the Bank provide to them confidential and to use the customer information the Bank share only to provide the services the Bank ask them to perform for you and the Bank.
The Bank also may share customer information the Bank collect about you online to anyone who the bank reasonably believe is conducting a legitimate credit inquiry, including without limitation, inquires to verify existence or condition of an account for a third party such as a lender, merchant or credit bureau, in response to any subpoena, summons, court or administrative order, or other legal process issued by a regulatory, administrative or judicial authority or tribunal whether within or outside Belize, which the Bank believes requires its compliance; on a closed account, if the Bank reasonably believed you have mishandled it; in connection with collection of indebtedness or to report losses incurred by the Bank; in compliance with any agreement between the Bank and a professional, regulatory or disciplinary body; in connection with potential sales of businesses and to carefully selected service providers or third parties who help the Bank meet Customer's needs by providing or offering Bank services or their own product or services.
Our code conduct requires that your information remain confidential. Even if you are no longer our customer, the Bank will continue to treat your non-public personal information in the same way as if you were still a customer. In addition, the Bank maintains physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to guard this personal information.
Used of Shared Information
The Bank may share all the information that we collect, as described above, for the following purposes:
o To provide you with the products and services you requested
o To comply with reporting or other legal requirements
o To otherwise conduct business
Linking to other sites
The Bank do not provide any links to International companies, such as credit bureaus or merchants.
If you choose to link to websites not controlled by the Bank, we are not responsible for the privacy or security of these sites, including the accuracy, completeness, reliability or suitability of their information. If you are asked to provide information on one of these Websites, the Bank strongly urges you to carefully study their privacy policies before sharing your confidential information onto the site.
Guarding your own information
The Bank recommends that you take the following precautions to guard against disclosure and unauthorized use of your account and personal information:
• Never provide personal information (including full social security numbers or accounts and card information) over the phone unless you have initiated the call and know with whom you are speaking.
• Safeguard ATM, credit, prepaid and debit cards
• Memorize PINs (personal identification numbers) and refrain from writing PINs, social security numbers or card numbers where they can easily be found.
• Immediately change pre-assigned PINs to a personally memorized PIN.
• Store cancelled cheques, new cheques and account statements in a safe place.
• Report lost or stolen cheques, and credit, prepaid and debit cards immediately.
Personal Computer Security
One way a thief can get personal information about you is from your home computer. The following tips detail how you can add to the security of personal information on your home computer.
Install and use anti-virus programs
Viruses can infect a home computer in many ways: through floppy disks, CD's, e-mail, Websites and downloaded files. Anti-virus programs help protect your computer against most viruses, worms, Trojans and other unwanted invaders that can make your computer "sick". Viruses, worms and the like often perform malicious acts such as deleting files, accessing personal data or using your computer to attack other computers. If a file is found to be infected with a virus, most anti-virus programs provide you with options of how to respond, such as removing the harmful item or deleting the file. Installing an anti-virus program and keeping it up-to-date is the best defense for your computer.
Firewalls, what are they and how do you use them?
Before you connect your computer to an Internet, you should install a firewall. A firewall can be generally described as a security guard for your home computer. The guard is a piece of software or hardware that helps protect your PC against hackers and many computer viruses and worms. With a firewall you define which connections between your computer and other computers on the Internet are allowed and which are denied. There are firewall programs, both free and available for purchase, that provides the capabilities you need to help make your home computer more secure.
E-mail Attachments
E-mail viruses and worms are fairly common. Here are steps you can use to help you decide what to do with every e-mail message attachment you receive. You should only open and read a message that passes all of these tests:
1. The know test – is the e-mail from someone you know?
2. The received test – have you received e-mail with an attachment from the sender?
3. The expect test – were you expecting e-mail with an attachment from this sender?
4. The sense test – does the e-mail subject make sense based on who is sending the e-mail?
Would you expect this type of attachment from this person?
5. The virus test – does this e-mail contain a virus?
Keep Your System Up-to-Date
Most software vendors provide free patches to fix problems in their products. You can usually download these patches from the vendor's Website. When you purchase a program, it's a good idea to find out how the vendor provides customer support.
Changes to the Privacy & Security Policy
If the Bank makes changes to our Privacy & Security Policy or makes any material changes to our online services, the Bank will revise our Privacy & Security Policy to reflect such changes and revise the policy's effective date.
Moheli Corporate Services is a recognized leader for business, legal and financial services in Comoros. It is authorized by the Legislative Assembly of the Moheli Finance Authority for the marketing of all licenses the Moheli FM issues all banking Licenses, On Line gaming Licenses, Insurance Licenses, brokerage Licenses & Foundations as well as Moheli International business companies (IBC).
The Government of Moheli issued new laws which created a banking sector in Moheli, which provides the right environment for economic development and direct foreign investment. The laws allowed registration of licenses for International business companies ( IBCs ) as well as Banking, Internet gaming, Insurance & Brokerage Licenses, as well as Mutual Funds &Trusts. There are excellent conditions for leading business for IBCs in this sphere because the aim is to encourage foreign enterprises to have a physical presence on the island. The legislation of Moheli is modern, convenient and flexible. It appeared due the experience of business centers for the last tem years and it creates liberal and business-friendly environment.
Confirmation of our authority can be found on the only official Moheli government website at www.mwaliregistrar.com
Moheli Corporate Services incorporated and licensed at Ministry of Finance and at the commercial court of Moheli, Comoros. We have been assisting clients to set up international companies for years. Many clients have been with us over a decade so we must be doing something right!
Through our extensive monitoring of associations, located throughout the world's tax-havens, we can offer cost-effective and efficient company formation services. We are not a budget supplier, but neither do we wish to charge the enormous fees, that some of our competitors do, for providing very little.
Moheli Corporate Services provides specific advice on the usage of companies in Moheli, Comoros. If it is necessary we can describe corporate structures which we believe could benefit our clients in particular situations. But still we leave it to our client to determine the suitability of the structure to his particular situation and to obtain professional independent tax advice where appropriate. All of the fees we quote for company formation packages are fully inclusive, as we do not believe in misleading clients by quoting a low formation price and then adding on extras galore as is the case elsewhere.
We can arrange to have copies of documents, powers of attorney etc legalised/apostilled in Comoros.
We are happy to discuss any individual requirements you may have and are prepared to tailor our service to suit in most cases. Please contact us to discuss any requirements you may have which are not covered in this website.